Welcome to the World of Internet Marketing

If you want to be successful at building Internet Marketing websites or in any arena in life it’s wise to treat it like a competition.

Let’s see how to apply the basic sumo movements to the principles of internet marketing to build wealth online by blogging, optimizing content, riding trends and building an audience that converts.

Learn Basic Moves

A Cost Per Acquisition networks is where advertisers pay YOU the publisher once a specific for of action or acquisitioon is taken.  This form of affiliate marketing approach can generate incredible wealth.

Optimize OpPortunity

This is where you’ll find an infinite pool of available products and / or services that you can sell and receive a commission.  This is a great source to find content related to your specific niche.

Generate Income

Advertisers who hone in on the increasing number of mobile users and this is potentially a huge revenue drivers that all too often goes overlooked.  Don’t be that guy… or gal.

Basic Sumo Movements


Oshidashi 押し出し

The fundamental movement in sumo is the push.  The concept as it translates into the Internet Marketing arena is obvious.

In fact,  it’s the foundation from which all other actions are derived.

In order to succeed at generating wealth online you must push through the difficult times and keep going.

You’ll find references to this movement scattered across this site.

If you ever get stuck or are unsure what to do, don’t think; keep pushing.


Tsukidashi 突き出し

A thrust attack keeps the opponent at a distance using repeated thrusts.  Rapidity of thrusts is essential, not allowing the adversary to recover.

In the world of affiliate marketing timing is everything.  I cannot understate the importance of posting the right offer, the right content at the optimum moment.

When I talk about thrusting in this blog it’s all about timing, increased frequency of actions or post and keeping your competition off balance.


Forcing Out:

Yorikiri 寄り切り

Many other forward movements involve grabbing the opponent’s belt, or locking up the opponent’s body, clamping down, and then forcing him out.

Leverage is the best way to position yourself to be able to take down a larger opponent.

The aim is to create a blog post that is better than your competitions and in doing so force them out of their current google rank.



Kotenage 小手投げ

Initial pushing attacks are often followed with pivoting throws, using hinge points on an opponent’s belt, arms, or legs. Timing is most important, reacting to the opponent’s energy.

Timing is everything especially when you are trying to go up against the big guys.  You’ll find that using trends to your advantage is the key to throwing aside the competition.



Tsuriotoshi 吊り落とし

When timing and positioning are right, it’s also possible to lift the adversary in the air, dominating the match.

This is an incredibly powerful yet basic technique that involves featuring the strong points of your competition and lifting their current status even higher which in turn builds your clout and leads to your ultimate goal as a blogger.

Share the positivity and the wealth will follow…


If you are wondering “how the hell does this apply to Internet Marketing … then please read on.

Optimize Opportunity

Build an Online Presence

Owning a website is an imperative launching point for any internet marketing endevour.  It’s not as hard as you think and it certainly does not need to be expensive!  You only need a web host and some effort to get started with internet marketing.

Start a Blog

If you want to do this the right way you need to invest in a quality host, I’ve had great success with Bluehost.

Narrow Down Your Niche

Internet marketing kings all share a similar facet in that they target a very specific, focused  niche in order to minimize competition and simplify their internet marketing methods.

Take Heed From Your Competition

Sumo culture is predicated upon tradition, respect and perseverance.  Make it a point to learn the top marketing strategies from others in your space and embrace competition.

Speak to a Relate to You Target Audience

Remember that when you are writing you blog it’s not about you, it’s about your audience.  Your primary web marketing strategy should be to solve a problem for your audience!

Find Relatable Advertisements & Products

Once you have a blog setup and have honed in on a niche specific topic finding products and content that compliment your stance should be a piece of cake and should almost happen organically.  

Find an affiliate network that fits your style and approach

Explore the list of affiliate networks to get a sense of which network can offer you the best internet advertising business opportunity Some affiliates kill it on Amazon alone with others build a strategic marketing plan based around mobile ads.

Promote products you believe in and are familiar with

This is where things get tough! Sometimes it’s better to turn down the highest converting offers with giant gravity.  Instead I’ve found time and time again that it is more important to find a product  that you feel with positively help people and promote that heck out of it.

Don’t mislead you audience, make recommendations based on your experiences

I’m not saying you need to buy every product you want to sell, use it and then recommend but rather do your due diligence and research, analysis and explain to your target audience exactly how they can benefit from said product.

Build Something & Share It

This is going to be where you can truly bring in money that’s much greater capacity than selling other peoples products simply because the product your selling (or giving away) is going to be yours. 

Create an ebook

Once you have an idea of a problem you are going to solve write a simple, straight forward ebook outlining the steps. The most successful ebooks are usually how to’s. How to online marketing, how to learn internet marketing and how to start internet marketing are what I discuss on this site and translate well to in an ebook format.

Design an Infographic

This is incredidibly powerful for a number of reasons. Once you have an idea of a problem you can solve put it into graphic form.  People love infographics, you can create one completely free here!  Once you have one it’s an incredible weapon you can lure and influence traffic and jumpstart you web marketing.

Create a course

The Rich Sumo point of emphasis is internet marketing training for beginners.  So take a small chuck of what you know and create the equivalent of an online marketing course.  Then sell it, use it to get traffic or leverage it to build your email list.

Now you know that if you start with the basics you will have a solid foundation in place when you are ready to optimize your positioning and scale your blog to.

Remember to push yourself through tough times and uncertainty.  Thrust with specific timing and repetition so that your competition is caught off guard.

Force out your competition by creating something better and when applicable use trends to catch your opponent off balance and throw them out of the ring.

Throw , thrust, throw, force out and lift your peers in order to succeed.  Always fall back on the fundamentals, you’ll find this common theme scatter throughout this site.  If you ever get stuck get back to this staple movement.

– The Rich Sumo

Generate Income

Affiliate Referrals – 68% Income Stream

Good ads are purposeful, optimized and targeted towards a specific audience.  Click-bait is obvious (for most).  The days of long juicy titles worthy of one page answers being built out to be a 30 page, ad filled debacle are coming to an end.  Google algorithms are catching up quick, thankfully wealth building principles of the sumo are built upon evergreen content and positivism. 

Promote the Truth

I use WordPress on a Bluehost server.  Couldn’t be happier. *Disclosure….Yes I make money by promoting Bluehost, they’re simply the best host for wordpress based on simplicity, feature set and customer experience.  See the full write up here.

Speak from Experience

Talk about and recommend products you use and believe in.  A simple case study goes a long way toward adding another intent driven lead to your list.  

Placement with Purpose

Every time you add and ad to your site be very mindful of the placement and the intent, don’t be one of those guys with a thousand ads hovering around the ‘next’ button.  This is short term money, Rich Sumo is about building long-term passive income. 

Speak to a Relate to You Target Audience

Remember your audience is everything place yourself in their shoes when promopting a produict or service.  Tell them exactly how this product or service is goign to FIX their problem and back it up with examples, case studies and proof!

Trending Upsales – 18% Income Stream

It’s your job to let your base know when there’s a once in a lifetime opportunity coming down the pipeline by doing research, trusting your instincts and taking action. 

Google Trends

Everything in the universe is cyclical, so by understanding and identifying when seasonal trends will occur you can position your content and optimize it around these peak times.  

Social Media Movements

There’s always an opportunity to ride current trends and promote related products.  Just be aware you need to keep moving to keep earning. 

Speak Specifically to Your Target Demographic

Each target demographic will respond to certain affiliate promtions, learn how to understand their wants in order to optimize your campaigns.

Product & Course Sales – 14% Income Stream

Building a catalog of products and educational courses will take some time to piece together but you’ll find that this process will happen organically and you’ll soon have a catalog of assets to mold into a tangible product. 

From Blog Posts to eBooks

Take your best, most popular blog post and transform it into an ebook by adding graphics, charts and links that supplement the already existing content. Try some of the techniques I use to stretch your content.  

Infographics out of Boring Statistics

Find some boring statistics related to your niche or more specifically a shoulder niche and make it beautiful.  

Courses by Virtue of Experience

After you make a few sales you’ll gain the confidence needed to share your experieince with others.  You’ll soon realize you have somehting great to offer and can’t start building a catalog of instructional courses.  


-Nanakorobi yaoki-
Fall seven times and stand up eight


-Deru kui wa utareru-

The stake that sticks up gets hammered down


-jūnin toiro-

ten persons, ten colors


Hana wa sakuragi, hito wa bushi-

Of flowers, the cherry blossom; of men, the warrior.


Shiranu ga hotoke

Not knowing is Buddha


Saru mo ki kara ochiru

Even monkeys fall from trees


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